Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Robyn's Response: Layer Cake

(Todd's review here)

2 stars

There's a subset of movies known as 'British Crime Films.' Snatch, Rock'nRolla, Layer Cake. You know the drill - British mobsters with an extensive network, guys all named One Two, Turkish, and Mr. Lucky. A caper gone hilariously and violently wrong. A pretty girl or two. Everything working out for our anti-hero in the end.

I loved Snatch. I liked Rock'n'Rolla. If I saw Layer Cake first, it might have a higher rating. But it's more of the same, and it doesn't even do 'the same' well. I wasn't really into the storyline (drug dealer pulls one last con before going straight), and I kept losing track of the characters. (Is it weird to say that British people look the same to me?) Sienna Miller (who I don't think is that hot) was on screen purely for some T&A. At one point, the characters say 'So you killed (X) because he did (Y).' Normally I hate it when the character vocalizes what the audience has concluded on their own, but this time I needed it. And I didn't even pick up on the fact that Daniel Craig's character's name was never mentioned. There was too much random shit going on.


Todd said...

I just realized that too, I never noticed that they never mentioned Daniel Craig's name.

And Robyn, I will respect your opinion on 99.99% of other things, but on this one thing I can't. Sienna Miller is amazingly beautiful and you're flat out wrong.

However, now that I have said this, you may play the same card at any time in the future regarding one of the opinions I have. Then I, in turn, will have to concede my point. Use it wisely.

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